Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Travel Immunization: Is it Safe?

Anyone who travels has a nightmare story of a great trip going horribly awry by catching a bug of some sort. This author can recall the all-expense paid trip to Las Vegas to cover the Adult Video News awards when food poisoning attacked, rendering me only capable of shivering into my gratis cocktails, which soon morphed into tea with honey and lemon. The after parties were out of the question.

With nightmares like these, one may ask why one wouldn’t actively seek out travel immunization. When one begins to read about them and sees the term “live virus vaccine” a clearer picture may emerge. The fact is that live virus immunizations have been par-for-the course for as long as vaccines have existed. Over all they have been safe and effective.

One of the most popular and currently requested vaccines is the yellow fever vaccine. This vaccine is a live virus vaccine but the virus has been genetically altered so that it cannot infect the recipient of the vaccine with the disease. With these facts stated live yellow fever vaccine still will not be administered to pregnant women and patients with compromised immune systems as a potential side effect-free vaccination does not exist. A non-live virus immunization for yellow fever is currently going through trials in order to be FDA approved.

Live virus vaccines exist in large numbers and are not to be feared as they are being administered every day. Examples include vaccines for—

·       Measles

·       Mumps

·       Rubella

·       Oral polio vaccine

·       Chicken pox

As stated previously, although advances are being made in immunization science, live virus vaccines are not to be avoided. They are crucial to healthy journeys and in the case of the yellow fever vaccine just may be the law-of-the-land depending on where your trip takes you.

To arrange further discussion on the matter of travel immunization NYC or to begin receiving the important shots necessary for safe world-travel, log onto Travel Clinic NYC or dial 1.212.696-5900 to arrange an appointment with a competent and world-wise professional. 

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