Friday, October 5, 2012

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles: Plan Your Next Vacation at a Travel Clinic

Have you ever traveled flown? Sure enough, most of us know what it’s like to travel by car, train, or bus, but not everyone has used a plane.
Airplanes, for the most part, are preferred only for far travel, whether nationally orabroad. As we board, we’re hopeful for that vacation soon to come or the next adventure about to begin, but what we fail to realize oftentimes is that being on the plane is a break itself.
Buildings become toy blocks, parks look like small patches of farmland, and the people disappear from view in a few seconds. Aside from the initial air sickness, the rest of the flight is generally smooth, and all you mostly see are the cotton candy soft clouds and an endless baby blue hued sky.
            Too quiet for you? Whether fortunately or unfortunately, you can always run into some turbulence while in the air. With lights flashing seatbelts on, frightened crew gripping the railings, and a suspenseful heightened sense of fear, you’ll have that adrenaline pumping before you even land.
            That and along with the view, you get complimentary food and drink (doesn’t always happen in the hotel). Smiling stewards and stewardesses wish you well, all the while you can recline back in your seat, watch the movie playing, or listen to music. Nowadays, you can even bring the laptop with you for internet access, or then again, just sleep. And this is all before the actual vacation starts. (Gasp!)
            Before you book your next travel flight though, make sure that if you’re flying internationally, you get your travel vaccines early. Travel clinics will make sure you’re ready to enjoy the trip as well as the plane ride.
            Start today: our travel clinic is located at 274 Madison Ave, Suite 304, New York, NY.  For more information, check out travel clinic NYC.  Don’t worry, you’ll be on the flight before you know it.  

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