Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Traveling Through India? Get Your Vaccinations!

Back in 1632, Emperor Shah Jahan began construction for his late wife’s mausoleum in Agra, India. Almost four centuries later, the Taj Mahal stands as one of the world’s most romantic acts and greatest monuments in history.
          Created and domed with precious white marble, the building employed thousands of artisans and craftsmen, and took about a year to complete. With its vaulted archways, arched balconies, elegant wall calligraphy, incised painting, finial floor tiling, graceful gardens and so on, the Taj Mahal is set on the checklist if you’re traveling through India.
          Don’t start packing your bags yet though.  There are a few other things on the checklist you need to get done before you even step foot in the country. Let’s start with travel vaccinations.
          For all the fun activities and amazing sights to enjoy, there are a number of illnesses and diseases you can easily contract in Southeast Asia. Among them include Whether caused by tetanus, polio, typhoid, hepatitis A, cholera, diphteria, hepatitis B, rabies, malaria, and Japanese encephalitis. While some of them you may have received at a younger age and others seem irrelevant, you don’t want to be taking chances.
          Not only will they disrupt and potentially ruin your vacation, some can cause permanent damage or even death. Whether by food contamination, insect/animal bites, or personal contact, there’s no way you want to be feverish with severe pain gripping your stomach while touring the Taj Mahal.
          If you’d rather not risk it, stop by your doctor’s to get India travel vaccination in NYC. It takes a fairly short amount of time compared to if you were suffering in India. So set off for your southeast adventure, but first, make sure you’re prepped.
          Need a doctor who work in a travel clinic in NYC? Try ours! Located at 274 Madison Ave. Suite 304, (or check out I guarantee we can help make your vacation a success.

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