As citizens of NYC, we consider ourselves pretty hip, in other words, we do not accept everything as it is presented to us. We know of existing dangers in the world. We have a pretty decent sense of common sense, and this allows us to see the world—not through rose-colored glasses—but through glasses tinged with a bit of doubt—reality, is the word. So when others may see a wide-open world filled with wonders, we see that same wonderful world and its dangers. One of those dangers is yellow fever.
Yellow fever is still rampant in many parts of the world. And it would be out of character for someone from NYC to visit these places without the proper protection afforded by our advanced American healthcare system. Let’s take a look at this ancient disease and how it goes about destroying lives:
Yellow fever is a viral disease spread by the bite of infected mosquitoes. It is still very common in some parts of Asia, many parts of South America and much of Africa. In NYC we have mosquitoes up the whazzoo, but if we are bitten by New York bugs the worst that happens to us are red lumpy swellings and a bunch of itching. Unfortunately, the world is not as lucky.
Yellow fever has three stages. These stages are as follows: early stage, period of remission, period of intoxication. At any stage listed above is medicine is available at a certified travel clinic to help. However, there is nothing better than receiving a vaccination before travel for this potentially deadly disease.
Early Stage
This will obviously occur directly after receiving a bite from the infected mosquito. Symptoms to be on the lookout for at this stage are headache, muscle and joint ache, fever, flushing and loss of appetite. Vomiting is often present. As is a “yellowing” of the skin called jaundice.
Period of Remission
One of the reasons yellow fever is so deadly is because of this stage. After the initial bout of ill health, many people assume they have gotten over whatever it is they had that made them sick in the first place, and therefore do not seek medical attention. This is a big mistake.
Period of Intoxication
To some, this may sound as not necessarily a bad thing. But we are not speaking of alcohol intoxication, but deadly-disease intoxication. At this stage of the disease is when multi-organ failure will begin. This includes liver failure, kidney failure and the heart failure. Symptoms at this stage include delirium, seizures and coma. We sincerely hope that if someone is suffering from yellow fever (whether from NYC or not) they do not reach this stage and are cured way before it.
The Worldwide Health Organization approximated that—in unvaccinated areas of the world—yellow fever causes over two hundred thousand illnesses a year, and thirty thousand deaths. It is a vaccination that holds the key to good health when it comes to diseases like yellow fever. In fact, many countries in the world will not allow travelers to enter without providing proof that the person in question has already received the yellow fever immunization from a certified travel vaccination clinic.
If you are planning on world travel in your near future and will require a document stating that you have received the yellow fever vaccination, please log onto Travel Clinic NYC. This certified travel clinic is easily accessible by mass transit, since it is located only two blocks from Grand Central Station. To make an appointment today, please dial 1-212-696-5900. It is recommended that the nyc yellow fever vaccination be administered four to six weeks before take-off. Enjoy your travels…but stay safe and healthy.
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