Tuesday, January 7, 2014

B Forewarned: The Do’s and Don'ts of Hepatitis B

If there is anything worse than a liver infection, it’s a viral liver infection. Unlike bacterial infections, viruses cannot be directly treated or eradicated from the system with medication or surgical procedures. For this reason, prevention is always a better course of action than treatment after exposure to the disease. Fortunately, when it comes to the Hepatitis B virus, a simple vaccine can eliminate the risk of contracting not only the disease, but also a number of its potentially dangerous symptoms. Read on to discover the do’s and don'ts of avoiding, preventing, and treating Hepatitis B. 

B-ing Risky: Potential Causes of Hepatitis B

There are a number of activities and situations that may cause the spread of the Hepatitis B virus from person to person. The virus is typically passed between individuals in blood, semen, or other bodily fluids. For these reasons, it is important to know whether or not your sexual partner may have Hepatitis B. The virus can also spread through the shared use of needles or syringes. Thus, intravenous drug use fundamentally heightens your risk of getting the disease. Hepatitis B can also be passed from mother to child during childbirth.

Fortunately, there are a number of effective precautions that can help you avoid exposure to the virus. Other than knowing the Hepatitis B status of your sexual partner, consistently using a new latex or polyurethane condom during intercourse significantly reduces the risk of contracting the disease.

Stopping the use of illicit intravenous drugs is another essential precautionary measure. If you are unable to stop, however, it is nevertheless critical that you use a sterile syringe with every injection, and that you never share needles.

If you plan on getting a tattoo or a body piercing, it is also important to find a reputable shop where you can inquire about cleaning practices, as tools in tattoo and piercing parlors are occasionally contaminated by the virus and not properly cleaned.

The virus is also more prominent in certain geographic regions, such as Africa, parts of Central and Southeast Asia, and Eastern Europe. If you are planning a trip to any of these areas, it is important to receive the Hepatitis B vaccination well in advance.

Types of Hepatitis B

There are two basic manifestations of the Hepatitis B virus: either acute infection or chronic infection. Acute infection is far more common, and may last up to six months. Chronic Hepatitis B, on the other hand, lasts six months or longer. Although it shares a number or symptoms with the acute form of the infection, it may also be lifelong and cause a number of far more serious illnesses such as liver cancer, cirrhosis, and other liver diseases. Chronic Hepatitis B occurs far more frequently in infants and children who are exposed to the virus at a very young age.

B Proactive: Prevention and Treatment Options

If the disease is already contracted, there are ways of treating certain symptoms. In many acute cases, however, the body is able to eventually eliminate the virus on its own. In chronic cases, however, a doctor may prescribe anti-viral medication. In the event that Chronic Hepatitis B causes extreme liver damage, a liver transplant may be the best option.

Of course, prevention trumps these treatment options. The best way to protect yourself from Hepatitis B is vaccination. The Hepatitis B vaccine is administered as a series of three or four shots over a six-month period. It is recommended that children be vaccinated at birth or between the ages of 1 and 5. If you have yet to receive the vaccination as an adult, it is highly recommended that you get your Hepatitis B vaccination while you're in New York before traveling into regions with a greater risk or engaging in risky behavior.

1 comment:

  1. I am Susan, i live in Maharashtra in India, i was diagnosed with hepatitis b for 6years ago i lived in pain with the knowledge that i wasn't going to ever be well again, i contacted so many doctors on this issue and all was in vial, because i was determined to get my life back so one day i saw a post about Dr Ekpiku who cure all manners of diseases, including hepatitis b, I contacted him via email: ekpikuspellhomeofgrace@hotmail.com and made purchase of the hepatitis Vaccine, i received the Vaccine through DHL within 3 days, when i received the Vaccine i applied it as prescribed and i was totally cured of hepatitis b within few's days of usages, i went back to my doctor and he confirmed that i was negative.I was free curable cured from the disease, am so happy now, Viewers contact Dr Ekpiku via email: ekpikuspellhomeofgrace@gmail.com.
