Friday, March 30, 2012

Important News For the Cosmopolitan Vaccinations and the NYC Travel Community

A lot of people travel to NYC. We, as denizens of NYC, travel from NYC. NYC has a lot to offer the vacationer, but if you live here already chances are you will choose a more exotic locale for your trip. Thankfully, the world is filled with such places. From Singapore to Malta, from the highlands of Scotland to the Galapagos Islands there are so many wondrous places to choose from. Yet travel can be far from a wondrous adventure if one does not protect themselves via vaccinations while abroad.

Depending on where you as a citizen of NYC are planning to go will determine the vaccinations that you will need for protection wether it’s polio or rabies. As Americans, let alone as citizens of NYC, we do so much to protect ourselves in our daily life. From flood insurance to pepper spray, protection is never far from mind—or pocket. This is why there are so many certified travel clinics to choose from in our area. Visiting one before takeoff makes a lot of sense if you want to return home as happy and healthy as you were before you left.

Many people, even the well traveled, have no idea what it is a travel clinic can do for them. This is a sad truth, but once you employ their services you will likely come back before every trip. Besides protection against potentially deadly diseases like malaria or typhoid, through travel vaccinations there are many other reasons why it makes sense to head to your friendly neighborhood travel clinic. If you are in NYC you’re in luck. A good one will not be hard to find.

In this article we shall look at a couple reasons why vaccines-like the one for rabies-that a certified travel clinic is worth the price (which, by the way, is usually a very affordable fee!).

We’re from NYC, we think we are as “strong as bull.” Unfortunately this is not always the case (The need for vaccinations should be a tip off, but it is generally not!). A travel clinic will alert you to some of the dangers hidden right below the surface of perceived invincibility we all seem to share. Take for instance the potential for flight-related blood clots. This is an all too common situation that arises when the person traveling has a poor circulation system or other related medical issues. A travel clinic will closely examine your medical history to ascertain if you are in danger of forming these potentially deadly anomalies. After ascertaining your medical history they will recommend how to keep these blood clots from forming and getting you safely to and from your destination.

A certified travel clinic’s most powerful weapon in its arsenal of protection is their ability to legally and professionally administer vaccinations. Just a few of the diseases that await the next plane full of jaded citizens of NYC are: Yellow fever, hepatitis A & B, tetanus, typhoid, polio, rabies, meningitis, encephalitis, malaria, flu, and cholera. No joke, all of these diseases still scar the globe by infecting millions of people a year. Vaccinations are one of the only things that stand between us and epic illness. Get to a certified travel clinic for this no-brainer protection weeks before any overseas journey.

In NYC your choices are many. Log onto Travel Vaccinations for more information on this friendly and professional certified travel clinic NYC. Staffed by a physician and not a nurse practitioner like some other facilities, their quality of care supersedes others like them. They are located just blocks from Grand Central Station and are very affordable. Simply call 1-212-696-5900 to book a convenient appointment today.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Visit a Travel Clinic Before Leaving NYC for Warmer Climates

Summer has left us, New Yorkers. The days of lazily relaxing on one of Central Park’s well-manicured lawns to bathe in the Sun’s warm rays are pretty much gone. Feel that cold wind coming in? It’s like getting a postcard from a cold relative reminding us of her inevitable return. Fall is already here, and Winter is coming, whether you like or not.
But seasons don’t change everywhere. You can escape the cold by venturing to a country out of Winter’s icy reach, protected by the equator. There are plenty of vacation spots around the world that offer warm temperatures all year round. Be wary, though, that the more tropical the area the more susceptible travelers are to exotic diseases, so you should always stop by a travel clinic for up to date information on a country and what recommended travel vaccinations you’ll need before stepping on its soil. Afterwards, pack some sunblock and fly off to paradise.
Try visiting Brazil, for example! This country averages temperatures during the months of November and December that range from roughly 77 degrees to 90 degrees during the day. You can pull down your bathing suits, sundresses, and shorts from storage and forget about your scarfs, wool socks, sweaters and all other clothing we humans wrap ourselves in to survive the cold. Let your skin breath for a while by planning a trip to South America’s largest and arguably most fun country.
There are five sections to consider visiting in Brazil, but only two of them are close enough to the equator to be warm all year round:
*Northeast Brazil (Alagoas, Ceará,Piauí, Bahia, Sergipe, Rio Grande do Norte, Maranhão) – Lining the Atlantic Coast, this portion of Brazil holds the country’s most stunning beaches. If all you crave is sand and sunshine, book a resort anywhere in the state of Bahia, or in the city of Barra de Santo Antonio in the state of Alagoas. This part of Brazil will be hot and sunny for you, guaranteed. Sip a caipirinha and actually enjoy the ice melting in your mouth. 
*Northern Brazil (Tocantins, Pará, Amazonas, Acre, Rondônia, Roraima) – Home to a vast portion of the Amazon, the largest rainforest in the world. If you’re feeling adventurous and nostalgic for our world’s waning beauty, pack a pair of sturdy hiking boots and a high resolution camera for a filmic journey exploring the most biodiversity this planet has to offer.
Both regions of Brazil offer ample amounts of sunshine for those wishing to escape the cold months to come. However, Brazil also offers potential risks to travelers who did not anticipate their health needs before visiting travel clinic.
Parts of Brazil harbor Yellow Fever, a virus that is transmitted to humans via tropical mosquitos. But you can protect yourself. Along with taking steps to prevent mosquito bites while in Brazil, such as wearing loose, long pants and long sleeved shirts coupled with loads of bug spray, the Center for Disease Control strongly recommends getting a yellow fever vaccination at least 10 days prior to leaving for Brazil. If you do not get a vaccination for this disease before entering the tropics you put yourself at risk of contracting a disease that in 2009 killed 11 out of the 28 people who reportedly contracted it in Brazil.
You cannot get the travel vaccinations at your usual doctor’s office. Only clinics that are certified by the State of New York are allowed to distribute this highly affective shot. If you live in or nearby New York, visit Brazil vaccination NYC, which is legally certified to assist you in getting the medications and vaccinations you need. It is also conveniently located just blocks from the Grand Central Terminal for in town and out of town commuters.  
Prevent ruining your vacation because you thought bug spray would be enough: log onto or call 1-212-696-5900 and get the vaccinations you need.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Do I need the Japanese encephalitis vaccination before traveling to India?

When traveling to any country for the first time you need to consider the health risks associated with area you are about to step foot in. Health concerns for travelers depend on multiple factors, including what time of year they go, what part of the country they are visiting and what type of vacation they plan on having. For example planning an excursion through one of Brazil’s rainforests during their rainy season requires different travel medicines than planning to just sunbathe in Rio de Janeiro during the month of April.
This is also true for anyone wondering what conditions require them to get the Japanese encephalitis (JE) vaccination before visiting India. This depends heavily on two factors: what part of the country you intend on traveling to and what time of year you are going.
You should consider getting the JE vaccination if you are traveling to India during its monsoon season, which is anytime between May and October. The moisture gathered during the rainy season creates opportune environments for mosquito larvae. JE transmits through mosquito bites, meaning that the more of these insects around the higher the risk of contracting the disease. Take note that the rainy season may last longer in parts of southern India.
There are states that are at higher risk for JE than others. The states where the most cases of JE have been reported are Assam, Bihar, Goa, Kerala, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra, Haryana, West Bengal, and Karnataka. If you are visiting any of these areas you should consider getting the vaccine. States that you do not have to worry about are Sikkim, Punjab, Nagar Haveli, Jammu, Daman, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Lakshadweep, Dadra, Diu, Himachal Pradesh, Meghalaya and Kashmir.  There have been no reported cases of JE from these regions and traveling to this part of the country puts you at little risk for the disease.
Before making any decisions about whether you need this vaccination or not, you need to visit a Travel clinic that specializes in travel medicine and vaccines at least four weeks before leaving the country. The Center for Disease Control strictly warns against waiting until you’re in your destination country to get any vaccinations, as many countries struggle to weed out counterfeit drugs before administering them to patients. Also, most vaccinations and medicines are taken in doses with days in between, and their effectiveness will not activate for weeks sometimes. Visit a travel doctor now if you plan on vacationing to India in the upcoming months.
If you’re looking for a great travel clinic visit the one located at 274 Madison Ave in New York City. Your physician will tell you everything you to know regarding Japanese encephalitis vaccination abroad and will make informed decisions about what vaccines you need. After a visit with the doctor at this location you will be completely prepared to stay healthy while enjoying your stay in India. To make an appointment you can call their office at 212-696-5900 or visit their website at India travel vaccination NYC
Don’t take any chances with your health while abroad; make an appointment with our travel doctor today.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Certified Yellow fever vaccination clinic near you

Have you ever gotten ill while traveling? If you have, you understand how tragic it can be, whether you’re trying to work or are simply enjoying a vacation.  Nobody wants to interrupt their sun bathing or their planned exploration of ancient ruins with constant runs to the bathroom, or, scarier yet, runs to a local hospital, especially when you’re in a foreign country where oftentimes you are unfamiliar with the language, culture, and medical practices of the area.
And what’s even more frightful is the prospect of bringing some kind of harmful infection home with you, which could be transmittable to your friends, family, and others. Especially in today’s incredible mobile world, where travelers are able to hop from one country to the next in a 12 hour plane ride, the probability of contracting some strange disease and spreading it is exponentially higher than it was 10-15 years ago.
It sounds like a medieval issue, or something out of a dozen SciFi thriller movies, but an epidemic could happen today. For example what if you were traveling to parts South Africa or Brazil and, despite smoldering your body with insect repellent, a couple determined mosquitoes managed to have lunch by means of your skin?  So you get a couple of bites, no big deal. But what if these mosquitos were carrying the yellow fever virus and in turn injected it into you? You could be infected with it and, worse yet, carry it home with you in, putting others in danger.
Yellow fever is as freaky as it sounds. It’s named after the pigmentation of the skin, which turns a sickening yellow in its victims. During the last stages of the fever you will experience delirium, seizures and coma. Multi-organ failure will begin and destroy vital organs such as you liver, kidney and heart. Untreated, it will kill you. And if your symptoms don’t show up immediately, you could bring it home with you and potentially infect others if they are bitten by a mosquito that recently feasted on you.
Get the vaccinations you need before taking off! If you live in or nearby New York check out Travel vaccination in New York so you don’t have to worry about contracting any unwanted illnesses while abroad.
Three reasons to visit Travel Vaccination NYC
1.       Legally Certified
You can’t get a yellow fever vaccination at any doctor’s office. In the United States, only select centers are allowed to administer the yellow fever vaccination, and this clinic is one of them. They are fully certified to provide you with all of your travel health needs.
2.       Instant Yellow Fever Certificate
In accordance to the International Health Regulations, currently yellow fever is the only disease where proof of vaccination is mandatory for travelers entering certain counties. The only way to prove you’ve received the necessary shots is with an International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis (ICVP), which this particular office provides its patients with immediately after their appointment. So no waiting for your yellow fever certificate in the mail or having to stop back in the office. They very conveniently provide you with the proper documents instantly so you can begin worrying about more important travel issues, like whether you should pack your expensive underwater camera or not.
3.       Pre-travel consultation
This staff is fully trained to answer all of your pre-travel concerns and offer advice to ensure you have a safe and worry-free experience during your travels. If your Google search has left gaps in your understanding of how to get yellow fever vaccination in NYC, an experienced staff can provide you with on the spot answers to help you make informed decisions before you take off. Log on to NYC Travel Clinic to make an appointment if you’re planning on traveling soon!   

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Living in New York and need a vaccination? Visit a travel clinic

In the United States most schools require proof of certain immunizations before allowed enrollment. Almost all elementary schools and now many colleges require their students to get vaccinations to ensure preserve health on campus and on the playground. Because of these standards, we know that most Americans were administered vaccination shots when they were children. And these vaccinations are important for our health. Thanks to miracle-like vaccination shots that build up our immunities multiple types of bacteria and viruses that used to infect and kill millions of people worldwide no longer have much impact on developed societies. If you haven’t received vaccinations, now is the time.
The problem many of us face as we get older is trying to remember which vaccinations we’ve received and which we haven’t. All I can remember about my booster shots as a child is playing in a large boat in the waiting room, the smell of rubbing alcohol, a mean pinch on my arm or butt, and then finally walking past reception sucking on a lollipop while admiring my new colorful band aide. I have no idea what immunizations I’ve had. My mother doesn’t remember, and I’ve changed doctors so many times my current health records only go back about 7 years. So what does one do in these circumstances?
The best way to get your needed immunizations is by visiting a travel clinic, which deals with adult vaccinations routinely. This type of clinic specializes in patient health while abroad, but also provides domestically recommended shots. There are recommended doses for people who are uncertain about what shots they’ve had. These clinics are trained to access your needs and provide you with precise dosage of disease preventative medications and travel immunizations.
Don’t assume you have had all the proper vaccinations or that you were administered the right amount. Most shots are administered in three doses with years in between each. You may have missed the last one.
Many adults, for example, are inadequately vaccinated against tetanus, a disease caused by bacterium that grows in contaminated wounds. Most children in the United States have had a booster shot prior to entering school, and incidences of the disease in the United States have dropped dramatically because of it. But many older adults and immigrant persons applying for residency in the U.S. have not had this important, life-saving immunization. Adults over 65 are at particular risk of contracting the disease as the immunization can wear off.

If you are traveling and are uncertain of what vaccinations you’ve had, visiting a travel clinic is especially important. Certain countries harbor diseases easily avoidable with the right injection. If you know you’ve had a certain vaccination, you may need an update if you are traveling to areas that are high risk for certain diseases. For example, there are polio-endemic areas in the world that the Center for Disease Control recommends getting a polio vaccination prior to visiting, even if you know you had one as a child. If your last vaccine was 10 years ago or longer, you should consult with a travel doctor before taking off.
Whether you are sure or unsure of what vaccinations you need, you should visit this travel clinic in New York. You will be helped by a board certified doctor with wide-ranging experience and knowledge on every vaccination available. If you are traveling, or plan to travel in the future, their staff will tell you exactly what you need for everywhere you wish to go.
Log onto vaccinations for travel NYC or call 1-212-696-5900 to make an appointment. It’s just two blocks from the Grand Central Terminal at 42nd street, a convenient location for in town and out of town commuters.
Immunizations are a blessing for humankind. Take advantage, protect your health.