Saturday, December 24, 2011

Every child needs a tetanus vaccination, and I know the right clinic for it in NYC

If you have a child that will be entering kindergarten or preschool soon, chances are he or she needs to get a tetanus vaccination nyc shot very soon.  You may not remember getting one, but if you were born in the United States within the last 60 years you more than likely received one as part of the routine child immunization schedule for all US residents.  Today, there are almost no elementary schools in the country that do not require proof of immunization boosters for children seeking admittance into their program. But don’t feel annoyed by this, as tetanus is a serious, lethal infection and a vaccine is the most effective way to prevent it.
Tetanus is caused by the bacteria Clostridium tetani found in contaminated soil, dust and animal feces. If your child is playing outside and cuts his or herself and then comes into contact with the bacteria it may enter directly into their blood stream. Once infected, tetanus toxins will attack the motor neurons, the nerves in the body that help control muscle movements. Your child will then experience muscle stiffness and spasms in the jaw and neck muscles, a condition commonly expressed as “lockjaw.” Following symptoms include difficultly in swallowing, stiff abdominal muscles, overall painful body spasms, which all can interfere with their ability to breathe and inevitably threaten their life. The tetanus vaccine lowers their risk to this infection substantially.
If you are unfamiliar with travel shots, you should know that their introduction into modern medicine was like a miracle for the human species. In the past millions of people used die from bad cuts or injuries that become contaminated. Now, vaccines prevent this by strengthening our immune system, whose job is to protect our bodies from infection and illness. When foreign viruses and bacteria enter our body our immune system responds by producing antibodies, acting like little soldiers in our body that fight infection and disease for us.
More importantly, once our body makes these antibodies it will be more prepared for the next invasion, understanding the bacteria better. This is why people who have had chickenpox almost never get it again as adults, even if in close contact with this contagious disease again. Vaccines stimulate the antibody process. The Tdap vaccine in nyc  introduces this process without getting the individual sick.  A small amount of the bacteria is inserted into the individual in order to promote antibody growth in the immune system. If you need to explain this to your child, it’s sort of like training your troupes for battle. When the enemy does arrive, your body will be strong and familiar enough with it to defeat it.
Many parents have expressed concerned over vaccines, but they have a long record of being safe and incredibly effective in preventing disease. The risk of a vaccine harming your child is nothing compared to the risk you put them in by not preparing them against tetanus.
You can get your child their tetanus shot safely and quickly at this conveniently located travel clinic in new york.  When you come in you’ll meet with a board certified doctor, not a nurse practitioner like with most clinics. Their general staff is incredibly professional and respectful of your time, with waiting times rarely exceeding thirty minutes for walk-ins. As a travel clinic, they specialize in vaccinations, so you can feel certain your child will interact with an incredibly proficient and experienced doctor.
Call them today at (212) 696 5900 or log onto travel clinic new york to start your child’s tetanus vaccine.

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