Saturday, August 20, 2011

Why Visit a Walk In Clinic? For The Best Medical Care in NYC

NYC is a town where anything could happen in a moment’s notice. We could buy ourselves a winning lottery ticket and become millionaires. We could be “discovered” at the counter of a Rite Aid drugstore. Or we could trip and break our arm in the most horrendous manner. If the latter occurs to you, get yourself to the nearest walk-in clinic of your choice—and let the healing begin.

A walk in clinic is nothing new in NYC, they’ve been around since the 1970s, but the new thing is that people are finally recognizing them for what they are: a great, affordable, professional alternative to the hospital emergency room. Anyone whose had to spend the day nursing a cold or bracing a broken finger in one of these cold dank rooms can attest that there has to be a better way!

Let’s say you are off to work one morning and stumble down the subway steps spraining your ankle? Where are you going to go? Let’s say you are spending the day in Central Park and you go deep (attempting to catch that pop fly) and fall down twisting your wrist. Where are you going to go? Let’s say you are boiling some scrumptious split-pea soup (chicken?) and you accidently spill some on your hand. Where are you going to go? If you are smart—and you live in a big city like NYC—you will get yourself to a walk in clinic right away.

Why head to a walk in Clinic?

That’s right, believe it or not, there are choices when it comes to payments for your healthcare. Big business hates it when you know this, but a walk in clinic is affordable, and may even offer big discounts depending on if you are covered by insurance or not.

Quality of care.
A walk in clinic will be staffed by a board-certified doctor who is as experienced (if not more so) than any doctor you will find at any of the walk in clinic-alternative facilities. Emergency room doctors are great people dedicated to their jobs, of course they are, but they are also trained in emergency care—and sometimes that is detrimental to the patient if they are not suffering from a life-threatening injury or illness.

Since NYC is such a big city—and the doctor at a walk in clinic sees its citizens—chances are that the doctor’s experience level is going to be very high. NYC is home to over twenty two million people and as previously mentioned: things happen. A walk in clinic doctor will know how to diagnose and treat whatever ailment, injury or illness has befallen you.

Time & respect.
Again, because of the nature of an emergency room, the doctors there will not be able to give you the time that you may need—or just plain want. At a walk in clinic, the doctors really do realize that your time is as important as theirs and do their best to see you in way under an hour on any given day of the week. We as Americans (and more importantly as New Yorkers) should demand respect from our caregivers. A urgent care clinic understands this.

Anyone in NYC who needs a walk in clinic, be it for any reason at all, log onto Walk In Clinic NYC for the best care available. This awesome establishment is easily accessible by bus or subway being located just a few blocks from Grand Central Station and they offer extended weekday—and even weekend—hours for all their their patients old and new. Call 1-212-696-5900 to book a convenient appointment today. 

1 comment:

  1. I am totally agree with you. Walk In Clinic is very helpful for patients to get treatment of their emergency or non-emergency medical problems.
