Tuesday, June 14, 2011

NYC Dwellers Take Heed!Vaccines are Needed for World Wide Travel

The world may be alive with the sound of music—but it is also alive with tons of dangerous viruses and bacterium just waiting to infect your healthy flesh and cause intense pain and suffering. If you are from NYC and plan to travel anywhere on the planet protect yourself via vaccines.

In the old days, the explorers would wonder here and wonder there catching yellow fever and typhoid willy nilly. There’s no reason to suffer these indignities any longer. Vaccines exist and we should take full advantage of them. Especially for us softened NYC travelers…

 Diseases that still ravage this wide world range from polio to Japanese encephalitis, from malaria to cholera. These dangers do not lurk only in history books, they are out there waiting to strike. That’s where a NYC certified travel clinic comes into the mix.

 These facilities offer professional analysis of your travel itinerary, and recommend the precise vaccine for the part of the world you are planning on traveling to. Allow the experts to make these decisions. The consequences are way too serious for anything else. 

Vaccines are administered as simple shots—needles—and if you think about it, they hurt much more in your head than in real life. The protection that these travel vaccines provide against these scourges of ancient and contemporary times is well-worth a simple pin prick. Acquiring yellow fever, for instance, and obtaining kidney and liver failure instead of sitting for a 20 second shot, makes no sense whatsoever. 

Okay all you NYC dwellers, if you need a certified travel clinic to administer a travel vaccine or for any other reason, log onto NYC Travel Clinic website. They are an awesome clinic located just two blocks from Grand Central Station (and thus easily accessible by all buses and subways lines). Call 1-212-696-5900 to arrange an appointment at your convenience. Protect yourself from the danger. Don’t think twice.

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