Friday, May 20, 2011

Traveling From New York? Protection Via a Yellow Fever Vaccination

Your trip to Africa or Central & South America from New York should be fun and exciting, filled with new foods and sightseeing the fantastic savannahs and the temples and ruins of the Mayan or Aztec nations. The last thing on your mind should be catching a devastating disease like yellow fever. By reading this article, and receiving a yellow fever vaccination before you head off on your vacation of a lifetime, you can rest assured that you will remain healthy and illness free.

Yellow Fever
Yellow fever is a serious disease caused by the yellow fever virus. It cannot be spread through person-to-person contact and can only be contracted through the bite of an infected mosquito or the bite of an infected monkey. Since most people are not attacked by monkeys while on vacation this article will deal with the mosquito mode of transmission…

Symptoms & Complications
The symptoms of the yellow fever virus include chills, high fever and vomiting. The infection is not only deadly—but tricky, as well. After a brief respite when all symptoms disappear, the infection can reappear and cause potentially deadly problems such as liver and kidney dysfunction. The liver problems bring about a yellowing of the skin called jaundice—and hence the name, yellow fever.

Problem Spots
According to the World Health Organization a yellow fever vaccination is highly recommended if your travel plans include any of the following countries. In several of these countries a certificate from a certified travel clinic is needed before entry will be allowed.

French Guiana
Trinidad & Tobago
And thirty three countries in Africa!
Who Should Never Receive a Vaccination?
The yellow fever vaccine should never be administered to infants under the age of nine months. In many cases the vaccination should be administered after the child is one year old.

Pregnant women are exempt.

Individuals who are allergic to eggs are exempt since the vaccine is prepared in embryonic eggs.

Persons with already weakened immune systems are also exempt. This includes individuals with leukemia or lymphoma, or for people currently going through radiation treatment, including people with HIV/AIDS.

What Are The Risks Associated with the Vaccination?
People who live in New York face bigger threats every time they hop on the subway. Yet as with any vaccine there are some risks associated with receiving it. Side effects are mild and may include soreness and/or swelling where the vaccination was administered and fever or aches and pains. If these problems do occur they should subside within a week.

For those of you who live in the New York area and are planning a trip to Africa and/or Central or South America visiting a certified travel clinic for a yellow fever vaccination should top your list of to-dos. NYC travel clinic is located just two short blocks from Grand Central Station and specializes in this and many other aspects of travel health. Just log onto our NYC yellow fever vaccination or call 1-212-696-5900 to make an appointment today. Have a great trip—but be safe.

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