Saturday, September 24, 2011

In NYC a Good Shot is a Dime a Dozen But a Yellow Fever Shot Tops ‘em All!

NYC, the year 1951. The New York Giants are up against the Brooklyn Dodgers. Bobby Thomson steps to the plate and lets one RRR---iii---ppp!!! This game-ending homerun hit by Thomson has become known through the long dark annals of Baseball history as the “Shot Heard ‘round The World!” Brooklyn’s soon to be demolished Polo Grounds is where these two tenacious teams tantalized a town—and where the Giants proudly seized the National League Pennant! As the sweat-soaked yellow sun began to diminish from view, there was a new fever in town—Giants Fever.

Over the ages there have been other “famous” shots in NYC. Did or did not John Gotti and his henchmen successfully assassinate Big Paulie Castellano as he and his bodyguard Tommy Bilotti pulled up at Sparks Steakhouse for a fine meal? Si! Those pain-in-the-neck innocent bystanders (and by the way, there were many) walked quickly, ran, crawled or stood stone-like and suffering from fever-like chills. No one wanted to be the next one shot.

However, in this article we are not speaking of these rather unseemly shots. What we would like to share with you is another kind of shot. In fact, a yellow fever vaccination shot. So put down the Cracker Jacks and twenty dollar beers, and lay low with the pot of sweet and peppered sausages slowly cooking to perfection unless you want to start a war, and do you even have the mattresses to go through with it? (We doubted it.)

Anyway yellow fever is a potentially deadly disease caused by a small virus that it spread from shortstop to made-man by the simple bite of a little mosquito. These infected little buggers do not see culture, nor do they not see the clothes that make the man. No, they only see fresh flesh—and you can bet big that someone will get a big bite.

It is approximated that in areas of the world that have no access to the yellow fever immunization—the disease causes over two hundred thousand illnesses a year, and thirty thousand deaths. It is a yellow fever vaccination shot that can bring down this atrocious number of deaths. In NYC, there are numerous places to receive a yellow fever shot, giving you your first step in protection from this viral vermin.

Whether a ball player from a farm team or a wiseguy from NYC once infected with yellow fever you will begin to see several different stages of symptoms. As the symptoms progress so does the severity of the disease inside your body. Let’s take a look at the yellow fever progressive stages:

Early Stage
Occurring directly after being infected by the yellow fever-carrying mosquito, symptoms at this stage are headache, muscle and joint ache, fever, flushing and loss of appetite. Vomiting is often present, as is jaundice, a “yellowing” of the skin.

Period of Remission
During this stage the symptoms seem to vanish and you seem to be getting better on your own. You are not. Don’t be fooled. Symptoms of many diseases seem to vanish but all the while the disease is doing a number on your vital organs under the cover of silence. 

Period of Intoxication
This is the stage of yellow fever where things get their worst. At this point you are cursing yourself for not receiving that simple shot. This is the stage when slipping away into a coma and then death is most commonly reported. At this stage of the disease is also when multi-organ failure will begin. This includes liver failure, kidney failure and the heart failure. Symptoms at this stage include delirium, seizures and coma. Anyone at all, whether from NYC or not, needs hospitalization immediately for thorough, round-the-clock treatment.

Anyone in NYC in need of a yellow fever shot, Travel Clinic New York is probably the place for you! Located just several blocks from Grand Central Station, Yellow fever vaccinations NYC is easily accessible by many subway lines and a ton of buses. Whether right next door in Manhattan or a quick B train ride from the Bronx you will receive the best, most professional and discreet care possible. Call 1-212-696-5900 to arrange an appointment. Some time ago a wise man was quoted as saying, “It’s only business.” The staff at Travel Vaccination Clinic feel the opposite way. Our patients are treated like family and nothing can break those bonds. Not even business!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Attention NYC: Stop Monkeying Around!And Visit a Travel Clinic Before Take Off

Do you enjoy travel? Do you dream about getting your feet wet in the sapphire-blue waters of the Caribbean or gazing onto the famed ruins of Machu Pico while in Peru? Do you yearn to down pints of Guinness inside a proper Irish pub or to stroll the Champs-Élysées with a baguette under your arm? What about slowly sipping a crisp white wine while eating fresh fish pulled from the Aegean or hand feeding a bonobo monkey at a game reserve in Africa? Let me stop here, for I can go on and on..and on. I am one of these people. I love to travel and I have been lucky enough to have experienced several of the wonderful situations mentioned above. Being from NYC, I used to think I could take care of myself while overseas—but now I employ the services of a travel clinic before I jet off on my adventures.

To many people the services of a travel clinics seems like just another expense, but that is not the case. The world is a wide and wild place and—even though I am from NYC—I don’t know half of what I think I know! For instance did you know that many countries in South East Asia, Central and South America and Africa (Tanzania, Kenya,etc) will deny you entry without a legal document from a certified travel clinic stating that you have received the yellow fever vaccine prior to your trip? I didn’t either. Good thing a friend turned me onto the services of a travel clinic before my last trip. I would have found myself in a heap of trouble—instead of tossing fruit at monkeys!

I now, it’s hard to be from NYC and think that you need help for anything. At least it was for me. What I found out regarding what a travel clinic does changed my mind. Inoculations and vaccines are so very important when traveling overseas. It seems obvious, of course, to know that one needs protection from disease when traveling to far-off parts of the world, but many people segregate this sort of thinking and forget about it till the last minute. Many vaccines are recommended to be administered six weeks before travel. Any time is good, but the ideal is six weeks. That’s a whole lot of planning.

HIV is a disease that one cannot be inoculated for, but the prevalence of it in a foreign country says a lot about the general state of health in the region. In NYC things seem to be getting a lot better regarding HIV/AIDS, but throughout the world it is a different story. Check out some of these statistics:

Some estimates say there are approximately five million people living in Asia with HIV/AIDS. Asia is the world’s most populated continent, so this number is not as high as it might first appear. In fact, the percentage of infection is less than 1% of the population.

During the last year it is approximated that approximately 10,000 people were newly infected here. Such a beautiful place for such an ugly disease.

Eastern Europe & Central Asia
The statistics out of this area continue to be very sad. The number of the infected is believed to be almost 2,000,000.

Central & South America
Throughout these two regions over 1,500,000 continue to live with HIV and AIDS.

Sub-Saharan Africa
Africa is the most HIV & AIDS ravaged region on Earth. Contemplate the following statistic: Africa has just 10% of the world’s population—but is home to over 65% of all people living with HIV/AIDS.

Anyone living in NYC who feels like it is time to employ the services of a travel clinic should log onto Travel Clinic NYC. It is a highly professional facility, totally discreet and helpful with all manner of travel health. I have just touched the surface with this tiny article. Visit for yourself and find out. To arrange an appointment, simply call 1-212-696-5900. They are very close to Grand Central Station, so travel there is as easy as can be. Be safe!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Protect Against All Travel Illness- Where to Receive a Vaccination in NYC

Hey NYC is a great place to visit. There’s so much to see, to hear, and to taste. The world’s greatest skyline (even post 9/11), the quaintness of the West Village, and the bohemian energy of… well, as of publication all cool neighborhoods have been gentrified, so this is hard one. No, there are still vibrant arts communities thriving in all neighborhoods! Heck, we even celebrate Trump, we celebrate the new Times Square, and we celebrate all things NYC. But if you live here… chances are you’ve seen it and done it. That’s why New Yorkers love to travel—and with travel comes the need for a vaccination.

A travel vaccination is the best way to keep from coming down with whatever insidious disease is currently plaguing your country of destination. Please do not misunderstand, very few countries have diseases that should keep you from visiting them—as long as the proper protection is received at the travel clinic of your choice. In NYC, there are bunch to choose from.

Let’s examine the travel immunization in a general sense. First things first:

What vaccination am I going to need?
Good question, but the answer depends on where on Earth you are planning to travel to from NYC—and your previous vaccination history. To be quite frank, any new world traveler should receive AT LEAST the hepatitis vaccination before jetting off to parts unknown. Unfortunately, many countries—primarily the emerging ones—still have a big problem with this disease.

What are the laws regarding vaccinations?
Another solid question! Although many vaccinations are recommended depending on your country of destination, the only vaccination required by law is the yellow fever vaccination. In many countries (in Asia, South America, and Africa you will be denied entry unless you submit a legal document from a certified travel clinic that shows you have been vaccinated for yellow fever. Many clinics in NYC are certified to administer this document.

Yellow fever is a disease that gets its name from the jaundice an infected person is likely to suffer from. Jaundice turns the skin and eyes a surprising and unhealthy hue of yellow due to the liver’s inability to cleanse the body of toxins. If infected with yellow fever overseas—and no medical treatment is received—it is possible that the disease will become fatal.

When should I receive my travel vaccination?
Although a vaccination will offer protection no matter when it is received, it is highly recommended—in order to gain the maximum benefit from the inoculation—you receive it AT LEAST four-to-six weeks before you arrive. This definitely requires a lot of planning, but as citizens of NYC we know how to plan and do the right thing. (Don’t we?)

How long do I have to book in advance to receive a vaccination?
Each travel clinic has different time periods they adhere to, but the best of them will see you at a moment’s notice. This means that whenever you have the time before your trip to visit a clinic a certified travel doctor will happily peruse your itinerary and recommend any or all (or none) of the vaccinations needed to retain good health while overseas.

To visit a travel clinic certified to administer all types of vaccinations—and who will do so at a moment’s notice—simply log onto Travel Clinic NYC. This respected and highly regarded facility is located just two blocks from Grand Central Station, making it very easy to get to no matter where in NYC you happen to reside. To skip over the website—and to make an appointment in person via phone—simply dial 1-212-696-5900 today…and get the travel protection that you deserve and need.