Thursday, May 26, 2011

Protection NYC Style From Scams to the Travel Clinic

The world is filled with magic, exotic places beckoning you and your American dollars. There are many things you should prepare for before heading overseas. One of the most important things is visiting a certified travel clinic. They can help with a ton of stuff that the average traveler is completely aware that they even need help with. If you are from a large city, say like NYC, there are other things to look out for. Being from a city like New York will give you the upper hand when dealing with travel scams. Here are few to lookout for. Remember to protect yourselves overseas at all times…or else those hard-earned American dollars will slip into the exotic night.

Conversationalist Cashiers
This is a very popular scam to be on the lookout for. A cashier is handling your credit card as she speaks a mile-a-minute. She may even drop the card. This is all done so that she can snap a photograph of your credit card with her cell phone. Later in the day you find that your accounts have been emptied. Poor you.

Ketchup Con
This is a pretty popular one in many countries. You will be in a crowd outdoors when someone bumps into you and gets ketchup (or mustard…or even bird poop!) on your clothing. He will then apologize profusely as he helps to clean it off. Meanwhile he is going through your pockets to steal your cash and/or credit cards. Never think you are above being tricked. These people are professionals and earn a living doing this sneaky stuff. They are good at it!

Being from NYC only affords us so much protection from scams and rackets such as these. There are tons of way to protect your wallet and cash from bad guys but there is only one way to protect your health—and that is by visiting a certified travel clinic before you head off on your trip-of-a-lifetime.

The “I can’t believe my luck!” scam
Usually perpetrated against single males traveling alone. A gorgeous woman begins to chat you up, she likes you, she invites for a drink at a local bar. You follow like the hairy ape you are. When the check arrives it is for an exorbitant amount of money. Before you can argue you notice the burly, steroid-infused bouncer guarding the door. You pay like the sucker you are.

Hotel Inspectors
There’s a knock at your hotel door. (Usually) two men in official-looking uniforms tell you they are employees of the hotel and are checking for a host of things, like heating/air conditioning problems, TV reception problems, etc. While one of the guys is speaking to you and keeping you busy the other is pocketing any cash and/or valuables that may have been left out in plain sight.

Remember that while you are on vacation making memories that will last a lifetime, there are individuals who prey on tourists in their country of origin. It is just too easy sometimes. A fish out of water makes a good target for these unscrupulous characters. Protection should always begin with your health. That is why visiting a travel clinic should be high on your list when planning a trip overseas.

For those from NYC, think about visiting travel clinic new york city website before heading off on your journey. From common-sense factoids to inoculations and prescription drugs they will do everything they can to make your trip as safe as possible. Call 1-212-696-5900 for more information.

Remember: don’t let the bad guys ruin a good trip.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Traveling From New York? Protection Via a Yellow Fever Vaccination

Your trip to Africa or Central & South America from New York should be fun and exciting, filled with new foods and sightseeing the fantastic savannahs and the temples and ruins of the Mayan or Aztec nations. The last thing on your mind should be catching a devastating disease like yellow fever. By reading this article, and receiving a yellow fever vaccination before you head off on your vacation of a lifetime, you can rest assured that you will remain healthy and illness free.

Yellow Fever
Yellow fever is a serious disease caused by the yellow fever virus. It cannot be spread through person-to-person contact and can only be contracted through the bite of an infected mosquito or the bite of an infected monkey. Since most people are not attacked by monkeys while on vacation this article will deal with the mosquito mode of transmission…

Symptoms & Complications
The symptoms of the yellow fever virus include chills, high fever and vomiting. The infection is not only deadly—but tricky, as well. After a brief respite when all symptoms disappear, the infection can reappear and cause potentially deadly problems such as liver and kidney dysfunction. The liver problems bring about a yellowing of the skin called jaundice—and hence the name, yellow fever.

Problem Spots
According to the World Health Organization a yellow fever vaccination is highly recommended if your travel plans include any of the following countries. In several of these countries a certificate from a certified travel clinic is needed before entry will be allowed.

French Guiana
Trinidad & Tobago
And thirty three countries in Africa!
Who Should Never Receive a Vaccination?
The yellow fever vaccine should never be administered to infants under the age of nine months. In many cases the vaccination should be administered after the child is one year old.

Pregnant women are exempt.

Individuals who are allergic to eggs are exempt since the vaccine is prepared in embryonic eggs.

Persons with already weakened immune systems are also exempt. This includes individuals with leukemia or lymphoma, or for people currently going through radiation treatment, including people with HIV/AIDS.

What Are The Risks Associated with the Vaccination?
People who live in New York face bigger threats every time they hop on the subway. Yet as with any vaccine there are some risks associated with receiving it. Side effects are mild and may include soreness and/or swelling where the vaccination was administered and fever or aches and pains. If these problems do occur they should subside within a week.

For those of you who live in the New York area and are planning a trip to Africa and/or Central or South America visiting a certified travel clinic for a yellow fever vaccination should top your list of to-dos. NYC travel clinic is located just two short blocks from Grand Central Station and specializes in this and many other aspects of travel health. Just log onto our NYC yellow fever vaccination or call 1-212-696-5900 to make an appointment today. Have a great trip—but be safe.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Breaking Free of NYC Travel and The Travel Clinic

What could be better than to leave the stone confines of NYC and jet off to exotic surroundings? Before you do, make sure to visit a travel clinic to protect yourself from any illness lurking in the far-off jungles. Living in NYC is a treat in itself, but especially for us—used to concrete and metal—relaxing amid flora and fauna goes a long way to relieve stress. Take Africa for instance, a long trip experiencing wild animals in their natural habitat (and we’re not talking about the “D” train!) could be a life changing experience.

The continent is brimming with countries that offer safari packages. South Africa, Botswana, Kenya, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Zambia and Madonna’s favorite Malawi, are just a few. Obviously, an African vacation is a bit different than hitting Pebble Beach for a round of golf. One must prepare in a way that is very different from other vacations. Visiting a travel clinic before you leave NYC is a great way to start.

There are many things that a travel clinic will prepare you for, but the most important will be protection from indigenous diseases. In Africa, the one to worry about is yellow fever. In fact, many countries in Africa will not even allow you to enter without first presenting them with a certificate stating that you have received the yellow fever vaccination.

200,000 people will become infected with yellow fever this year alone. While on vacation, getting diarrhea is bad enough, the last thing you want to do is catch a potentially fatal disease. According to the World Health Organization, yellow fever is still rampant globally and causes over 30,000 deaths a year. In their literature they state, “Vaccination is highly recommended as a preventative measure…”

The virus that causes yellow fever is carried by mosquitoes and can cause chills, high fever, vomiting, headaches, kidney and liver problems, and in extreme cases even death. There is a no cure for yellow fever so the best bet when traveling to danger zones is being vaccinated.

It is only a certified travel clinic that can administer this vaccination properly and legally. The test is quite simple and is administered via one single inoculation. A yellow fever immunization lasts ten years and a booster is recommended after that time. According to the World Health Organization the vaccine should never be given to infants under the age of six months. In many cases the vaccination should be held off until the child is one year old.

Exemptions include pregnant women and individuals who are allergic to eggs (since the vaccine is prepared in embryonic eggs). Persons with weakened immune systems are also exempt. This includes people who currently suffer from leukemia, lymphoma or HIV/AIDS.

Everyone else should have the vaccination administered at least ten days before traveling. If you currently reside in the NYC area and are in need of a certified travel clinic for a yellow fever shot, or any other reason, log onto Travel Clinic NYC website. There you will find a dedicated, caring staff ready to make your trip the best one possible. Call 1-212-696-5900 to make an appointment today.