Sunday, November 7, 2010

Finding a Sure Shot Immunization Clinic NYC is a Home Run For Your Health!

Growing up we learn to “cover all our bases.” It’s a tried and true baseball metaphor. Yet as we grow even older we realize that these silly little sayings we’ve learned have much deeper meanings than the ones we had originally prescribed to them. “Cover all our bases” can easily be applied to our health care—and the need to find a professional immunization clinic.

It’s a scary world out there. That we all understand. The best way to get through each and every day is by being as prepared as possible. One way to make sure that you are as protected as you can be is to make sure that all of your immunizations are up to date. Immunizations, or vaccines, are not just for the elderly. In fact, finding an immunization clinic that you can trust is not just a great idea but also a necessary one.

The Travel Clinic NYC is one such place. There are numerous immunizations that should be part of any healthy persons health regime: yellow fever, hepatitis a & b, tetanus, typhoid, meningitis, Japanese encephalitis, polio, rabies, flu vaccine, and malaria prevention. The need for covering your bases for these types of illnesses tend to multiply when you travel, whether it is for work or for play.
Why choose the Travel Clinic of NY for all your immunization needs? Well, first off, you are guaranteed top-notch care including a one-on-one consultation with a premiere board-certified doctor. Many other facilities hand over these responsibilities over to nurse practioners—but not at Travel Clinic of New York.
This one-on one care extends to every aspect of your travel needs. For example, the immunization clinic NYC does not have a standard list of vaccines that we hand out to each person that visits us. Instead—through an extensive, one-on-one consultation with your doctor—we professionally analyze each of the geographic areas that you will be visiting and quickly come to a conclusion about which immunizations are most important for your health and well-being.
Call 212-696-5900 to arrange your personal consultation today or simply log onto and book an appointment that bests suits your schedule. Remember, when it comes to covering all your bases—nothing less than a home run shall do—and having the Travel Clinic Manhattan on your team is a great way to get that ball game started.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Medical Bulletin:“Yellow Fever Shots Required For Safe Travel”

Attention! Attention! Any persons traveling to Africa or Central and South America should heed this important medical notification: Yellow fever immunization is your best bet for a healthy and safe journey while traveling to these endemic countries. That’s right, receiving your yellow fever shots before your trip will remove you from the list of over 200,000 persons who will become infected this year alone.

Yellow fever is a global disease that is still rampant and causing over 30,000 deaths a year, according to the World Health Organization. WHO is the most respected medical governing body in the entire world and is the directing and coordinating authority for the United Nations. They state emphatically: “Vaccination is highly recommended as a preventive measure for travelers to, and people living in, endemic countries.”

Why a preventative measure? Because yellow fever has no cure. It is a deadly virus carried by the simple mosquito and causes chills, high fever, vomiting, headaches, kidney and liver dysfunction, and in extreme cases, death. Globalization and prompt air travel has brought on a revitalized danger of epidemic here at home, as the mosquito that carries the virus is a popular species in the United States of America.

If only one mosquito is infected, it can carry the virus to numerous other victims quickly. Due to the longer incubation time of yellow fever in relation to other diseases (such as the Ebola Virus) a situation could be created where an epidemic arises before the medical establishment even realizes what has happened. Although it is awful enough to think of what could happen here, it is worse to understand how deadly the virus is already overseas in Africa and Central and South America.

In the New York City area yellow fever shots are only given at designated vaccine centers, of which the Travel Clinic of New York is one. NYC Travel Clinic , located at 274 Madison Avenue, between 39th and 40th streets, and serving TriBeCa, Gramercy Park, and Stuyvesant Town (as well as the surrounding five boroughs) will administer your yellow fever shots in the highly professional manner that all vaccines and immunizations are administered at this facility. As an added alert, be aware that many countries in Africa, and South and Central America require a certificate of immunization for entry, these patients in need of this international certificate (called a International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis) will receive one at the Travel Clinic.

Your yellow fever shots are actually administered in a single injection. You should have this injection at least 10 days prior to traveling. Please call the Travel Clinic of New York at 212-696-5900 to make an appointment today. Better yet, for those international travelers on the go, simply log onto and book yourself an appointment at your convenience. Same day appointments are available, as are extended weekday hours if needed.

International travelers have been warned, heed this advice and receive your yellow fever shots at the Travel Clinic of NY before you begin your journey.