Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Attention all Travelers From NYC:Receive a Typhoid Vaccination Before Take Off!

Travelling to far off lands is a treat for the adventurous amongst us. Many people come to NYC as their destination of choice. But for those of us that live here, we prefer a more exotic locale. With these locales come different situations and dangers. The world is still full of dangerous diseases that need to be protected from. Typhoid is one such disease, and if you are planning a trip overseas to anywhere in the developing world, a vaccination is an important tool in safeguarding your good health. In the past ten years or so, Americans travelling to Africa, Latin America, and Asia have found themselves to be especially at risk.

NYC has its own dangers to be sure, but we are not speaking of catching food poisoning at a hotdog cart or getting mugged for your ipod as you jog through Central park at two in the morning. What we are speaking of is a deadly disease that affects over 400 Americans a year and over twenty million others from less-developed countries. Typhoid fever is caused by the bacterium Salmonella Typhi and is easily caught through infected food and water. A typhoid vaccination can keep a person from becoming infected.

How is it Spread?
Typhoid is a rather ugly disease anyway you look at it. The bacteria is alive and well in the feces of the infected. Therefore, anyone who handles food—but does not wash their hands thoroughly before doing so—can potentially infect another person. If typhoid gets into a region’s water supply it will multiply there and become the source of much sickness and disease. Once the bacterium is ingested, only heavy antibiotics can control its spread. It makes much more sense to receive a vaccination before potential exposure to it.

How to Avoid Typhoid Fever?
There are just two ways to avoid becoming infected with this terrible disease. The first is to avoid eating or drinking any risky food or water. And the second is, to receive a typhoid Vaccination in NYC before you jet off. In NYC, any certified travel clinic will be able to administer the proper vaccination to keep you safe during your journey.

If overseas—and in potentially hazardous area—it is possible to destroy a water-based typhoid infection by boiling the liquid for a full minute before consuming it. (Helpful hint: Let the water cool down before drinking it J.)

Avoid all ice cubes, as they are made from the general water source and might be infected.

Only eat raw fruits and vegetables that can be peeled completely, therefore removing the potentially infected rind.

Drink only bottled water.

Never eat food from a street vendor. If it is possible to catch food poisoning in NYC where our water is thoroughly treated, clean and scrumptious –just imagine what is possible in an area with typhoid in their water source.

Remember to receive a vaccination for typhoid and/or any other disease your travel doctor recommends. He/she will carefully look over your travel itinerary and point out any potentially dangerous areas on your trip.

For those of us in NYC in need of travel vaccination log onto Travel Clinic NYC for the best treatment available. Travel Clinic is located just two blocks from Grand Central Station making it easily accessible by bus or subway. Call 1-212-696-5900 today and make an appointment to see a certified travel doctor.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Another Example of NYC Common Sense:Yellow Fever Vaccinations Before Travel

As citizens of NYC, we consider ourselves pretty hip, in other words, we do not accept everything as it is presented to us. We know of existing dangers in the world. We have a pretty decent sense of common sense, and this allows us to see the world—not through rose-colored glasses—but through glasses tinged with a bit of doubt—reality, is the word. So when others may see a wide-open world filled with wonders, we see that same wonderful world and its dangers. One of those dangers is yellow fever.

Yellow fever is still rampant in many parts of the world. And it would be out of character for someone from NYC to visit these places without the proper protection afforded by our advanced American healthcare system. Let’s take a look at this ancient disease and how it goes about destroying lives:

Yellow fever is a viral disease spread by the bite of infected mosquitoes. It is still very common in some parts of Asia, many parts of South America and much of Africa. In NYC we have mosquitoes up the whazzoo, but if we are bitten by New York bugs the worst that happens to us are red lumpy swellings and a bunch of itching. Unfortunately, the world is not as lucky.

Yellow fever has three stages. These stages are as follows: early stage, period of remission, period of intoxication. At any stage listed above is medicine is available at a certified travel clinic to help. However, there is nothing better than receiving a vaccination before travel for this potentially deadly disease.

Early Stage
This will obviously occur directly after receiving a bite from the infected mosquito. Symptoms to be on the lookout for at this stage are headache, muscle and joint ache, fever, flushing and loss of appetite. Vomiting is often present. As is a “yellowing” of the skin called jaundice.

Period of Remission
One of the reasons yellow fever is so deadly is because of this stage. After the initial bout of ill health, many people assume they have gotten over whatever it is they had that made them sick in the first place, and therefore do not seek medical attention. This is a big mistake.

Period of Intoxication
To some, this may sound as not necessarily a bad thing. But we are not speaking of alcohol intoxication, but deadly-disease intoxication. At this stage of the disease is when multi-organ failure will begin. This includes liver failure, kidney failure and the heart failure. Symptoms at this stage include delirium, seizures and coma. We sincerely hope that if someone is suffering from yellow fever (whether from NYC or not) they do not reach this stage and are cured way before it.

The Worldwide Health Organization approximated that—in unvaccinated areas of the world—yellow fever causes over two hundred thousand illnesses a year, and thirty thousand deaths. It is a vaccination that holds the key to good health when it comes to diseases like yellow fever. In fact, many countries in the world will not allow travelers to enter without providing proof that the person in question has already received the yellow fever immunization from a certified travel vaccination clinic.

If you are planning on world travel in your near future and will require a document stating that you have received the yellow fever vaccination, please log onto Travel Clinic NYC. This certified travel clinic is easily accessible by mass transit, since it is located only two blocks from Grand Central Station. To make an appointment today, please dial 1-212-696-5900. It is recommended that the nyc yellow fever vaccination be administered four to six weeks before take-off. Enjoy your travels…but stay safe and healthy.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Why Visit a Walk In Clinic? For The Best Medical Care in NYC

NYC is a town where anything could happen in a moment’s notice. We could buy ourselves a winning lottery ticket and become millionaires. We could be “discovered” at the counter of a Rite Aid drugstore. Or we could trip and break our arm in the most horrendous manner. If the latter occurs to you, get yourself to the nearest walk-in clinic of your choice—and let the healing begin.

A walk in clinic is nothing new in NYC, they’ve been around since the 1970s, but the new thing is that people are finally recognizing them for what they are: a great, affordable, professional alternative to the hospital emergency room. Anyone whose had to spend the day nursing a cold or bracing a broken finger in one of these cold dank rooms can attest that there has to be a better way!

Let’s say you are off to work one morning and stumble down the subway steps spraining your ankle? Where are you going to go? Let’s say you are spending the day in Central Park and you go deep (attempting to catch that pop fly) and fall down twisting your wrist. Where are you going to go? Let’s say you are boiling some scrumptious split-pea soup (chicken?) and you accidently spill some on your hand. Where are you going to go? If you are smart—and you live in a big city like NYC—you will get yourself to a walk in clinic right away.

Why head to a walk in Clinic?

That’s right, believe it or not, there are choices when it comes to payments for your healthcare. Big business hates it when you know this, but a walk in clinic is affordable, and may even offer big discounts depending on if you are covered by insurance or not.

Quality of care.
A walk in clinic will be staffed by a board-certified doctor who is as experienced (if not more so) than any doctor you will find at any of the walk in clinic-alternative facilities. Emergency room doctors are great people dedicated to their jobs, of course they are, but they are also trained in emergency care—and sometimes that is detrimental to the patient if they are not suffering from a life-threatening injury or illness.

Since NYC is such a big city—and the doctor at a walk in clinic sees its citizens—chances are that the doctor’s experience level is going to be very high. NYC is home to over twenty two million people and as previously mentioned: things happen. A walk in clinic doctor will know how to diagnose and treat whatever ailment, injury or illness has befallen you.

Time & respect.
Again, because of the nature of an emergency room, the doctors there will not be able to give you the time that you may need—or just plain want. At a walk in clinic, the doctors really do realize that your time is as important as theirs and do their best to see you in way under an hour on any given day of the week. We as Americans (and more importantly as New Yorkers) should demand respect from our caregivers. A urgent care clinic understands this.

Anyone in NYC who needs a walk in clinic, be it for any reason at all, log onto Walk In Clinic NYC for the best care available. This awesome establishment is easily accessible by bus or subway being located just a few blocks from Grand Central Station and they offer extended weekday—and even weekend—hours for all their their patients old and new. Call 1-212-696-5900 to book a convenient appointment today. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

NYC: The Concrete Jungle The Importance of a Meningitis Vaccination

Although there are outbreaks of meningitis in NYC, you should be far more worried if you are taking a trip overseas. The rare outbreak in NYC is usually contained to a school and typically affects one or two students. Overseas the disease is much more common place and a vaccination is recommended for many a world traveler.

What exactly is meningitis and why is a vaccination so important? Meningitis is a bacterial disease spread from one person to the next through coughing, sneezing or any other one-on-one type contact (such as smooching or sharing a hamburger or a cola). Although NYC is the type of city that a person-to-person infection can spread like wildfire, great medical care and the vaccination have made it a thankfully rare occurrence.

The symptoms of meningitis are the following: fever, painful headaches, stiff neck, nausea and vomiting. Be on the lookout for these symptoms always, but if you are planning a trip overseas you should visit a certified travel clinic to see if your destination country is deemed high-risk. If it is—a vaccination is an intelligent choice to retain your good health while traveling.

Where in the world does meningitis still run rampant? There are many countries (and your doctor will know which ones), but the disease seems to be concentrated in several areas including the Mideast and Africa. Countries of destination where a vaccination is highly recommended include:

  • ·         Angola
  • ·         Benin
  • ·         Burkina Faso
  • ·         Burundi
  • ·         Cameroon
  • ·         Central African Republic
  • ·         Chad, Cote d'Ivoire
  • ·         Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • ·         Eritrea
  • ·         Ethiopia
  • ·         Gambia
  • ·         Ghana
  • ·         Guinea
  • ·         Kenya
  • ·         Mali
  • ·         Niger
  • ·         Nigeria
  • ·         Rwanda
  • ·         Senegal
  • ·         Somalia
  • ·         Sudan
  • ·         Tanzania
  • ·         Togo
  • ·         Uganda
  • ·         Zambia
  • ·         and Saudi Arabia

Although many of these countries are not popular tourist destinations, many Americans visit these places for pleasure, as well as in relation to their employment. Others visit these countries on humanitarian missions and with the military and its satellite agencies. A meningitis vaccination is always a good idea when in these regions.

There are different forms of meningitis, and these include viral meningitis and bacterial meningitis. Yet, no matter the strain, you will benefit from a vaccination. These vaccinations are quick, easy and affordable and are only available at a certified travel clinic. Luckily, NYC has more travel clinics than most areas in the United States.

As previously mentioned, those in America (and namely big cities such as NYC) should also be careful when it comes to this dangerous and potentially deadly disease. About three thousand people are diagnosed with meningitis in the United States each year and more than 300 of them will succumb to it and die.

The vaccination is administered as a single inoculation, not much of a physical price to pay for such an awful disease. Side effects are few and rare and may include redness at the injection site. This only occurs in ten to fifteen percent of those who receive the vaccination and will typically go away between twenty-four and forty-eight hours after the shot is administered.

For those in NYC who can choose a certified travel clinic, why not log onto Travel Clinic NYC This is a professional and discreet travel clinic located just blocks from Grand Central Station. Simply dial 1-212-696-5900 to make an appointment today. Remember that the meningitis vaccination is recommended to be administered two to three weeks before you travel.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Truth About Tetanus! NYC Dangers & The Vaccination

Rusty nail, this. Rusty nail, that. It seems like every time someone is barefoot in NYC, there’s someone screaming, “Watch out for rusty nails!” or “Don’t step on a rusty nail—you’ll get tetanus!” Well, we’re here to tell you that rust does NOT cause tetanus. We know it’s hard to comprehend because of how many times we’ve heard this old wives tail growing up but in the following article we will explain what DOES cause tetanus and how helpful a simple vaccination is towards protecting ourselves from catching it.

What is tetanus?

It is a dangerous bacterial disease common all over the world. Many people refer to it as “lockjaw,” as one of its symptoms is a tightening of mouth muscles. Tetanus cannot be spread from person to person, it must be caught firsthand. The tetanus bacteria are found in soil and can enter the bloodstream through the tiniest of cuts and wounds. One can even become infected with tetanus through a scratch on the skin surface.

The reason that we have been warned against rusty nails our entire lives is that rusty nails are most commonly found outside in the dirt where the bacteria resides. Rust is a rough surface when looked at under a microscope, thus it is the ideal place for the bacteria to cling to. Infection can occur if your skin is punctured by the nail. Because of the tetanus vaccination, the cases of “lockjaw” have been dwindling in NYC and across the country.

The first sign of tetanus infection is muscle stiffness, especially around the mouth, jaw and neck. Once infection takes hold severe muscle spasms may occur. The muscles may spasm so severely that they “lock” up and can cause difficulty swallowing and even breathing. It is possible to die from suffocation if suffering from a severe case of tetanus. According to the Centers For Disease Control & Prevention, tetanus will be fatal (death) in one in ten cases!

Because tetanus is so dangerous and can cause severe autonomic nervous system disorders, the vaccination is the most important step in protection. Individuals should know that it is not one simple shot but a series that are spread over months. Depending on the amount of time spent outdoors, adults should receive the vaccination every ten years.

Chances are the vaccine was administered as a child with other more common vaccinations such as measles and whooping cough. If you have a child attending summer camp—or who spends a great deal of time outdoors playing—a vaccination is highly recommended. The recommendation includes children in NYC. 

Who should NOT receive the tetanus vaccination?

Individuals who have an already comprised immune system due to existing health problems such as cancer or HIV, and/or anyone undergoing radiation treatment should not receive the vaccine. If suffering from a neurological disorder, speak to your doctor about the risks associated with the vaccine.

Pregnant women CAN receive a tetanus vaccine but the need should be great. Once again, a doctor should be consulted. Many times a doctor will hold off administering the vaccine to a pregnant woman unless there is a significant outbreak in her area and there is a serious threat that she will become infected.

Tetanus is too dangerous to take chances with. Therefore, if you live in the NYC area and need to visit a certified travel clinic, log onto NYC Travel Clinic for more information and to arrange an appointment today. Travel Clinic of New York is located mere blocks from Grand Central Station, making it easily accessible by all modes of public transportation. Call 1-212-696-5900 to speak to a person and to get more information. It makes good sense to protect against tetanus then to have to treat it once infected.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

NYC to Africa. Travel Vaccination Protection

Looking for a unique travel idea? Here’s a trip that’s a long way from NYC and will fill you with excitement and wonder. Go get a new suitcase, a vaccination, a reliable camera and head off to Africa to visit the Masai peoples! The who?

The Masai.

This African tribe is famous for being noble and fearless warriors who once dominated the plains of East Africa. The Masai are known for their tall, muscular features and their distinctive dress. Seeing a male tribe member in the flesh is astonishing. Typically they hold fierce-looking spears and are adorned in blood-red shoulder cloaks. The women are beautiful and adorn themselves in intricate jewelry and bangles. Both sexes wear earrings and take pride in stretching long holes in their lobes. The men sometimes wear elaborate headdresses made from lions manes or ostrich feathers. Both men and women shave their heads.

Aside from the many countries that are suffering through political strife, Africa is a beautiful continent to visit. Visiting a Masai village affords you to the opportunity to absorb true-to-life African tribal culture and so much more. However, due to indigenous diseases present on the continent, a travel vaccination is definitely recommended. Especially if the traveler is from NYC and has only built up an immunity to eating dirty water hotdogs!

How do the Masai live?

The Masai are very family oriented and reside in huts that are encircled in enclosures made from sharpened sticks and prickly thorn bushes in order to protect their cattle herds from predators. This enclosure is called an Enkang. Each Enkang includes approximately 10 to 20 small huts made from branches pasted together with fresh cow-dung. (How’s that for an exciting travel experience?!)

The huts are typically small and have holes in the roofs. The holes serve two purposes. The first is to let a little light in, and the second is to allow smoke to escape from the smoldering cow-dung (!) fire kept ablaze for cooking and warmth. For your average resident of NYC a cow-dung fire may not seem like the best place to make smores, but the smoke drives away the insects and for that you will be thankful.

Before heading anywhere in Africa be sure to check the rules and regulations regarding whether a travel vaccination is necessary. For instance, in many countries in Africa proof of a yellow fever vaccination is necessary for entry. This routine travel vaccination can be acquired at any certified travel clinic. NYC has many highly regarded facilities of this type.

A travel clinic can help you prepare for a trip in so many ways. If you are planning an overseas journey, visiting one is a must. For those of us who live in NYC or its surrounding boroughs, think about visiting Travel Clinic New York. Easily accessible by mass transit, this clinic is certified to administer all travel vaccinations—and so much more. Just log onto or call 1-212-696-5900 to make an appointment. Stay safe and have fun.